Friday, April 30, 2010

We spent Thursday at Yam HaMelech! (The Dead Sea ) What did you do?

To celebrate a couple of birthdays, six of us good friends hopped in my car for a tiyul (trip)
 We  experienced "Yom Kef" (day of fun)  at the spas in the Daniel Hotel, located in Ein Bokek at the Dead Sea.
Happy Birthday Pesha and Marlene!
The Group: Yehudis, Sondra, Elaine, Pesha, Marlene and Evelyn

We take lag ba'omer seriously over here!

Collecting the wood and building the fire is half the fun!!
In Ramat Beit Shemesh (Israel) this is what it looks like as the community gets ready for the big bonfires on Lag Ba'omer... This is the "BEFORE " and  "AFTER" !

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Second Chances: Today is Pesach Sheini

What was the korban Pesach?
The Korban Pesach was the eating of the sacrificial lamb before the jews left Mitzrayim (Egypt)
We know that one had to be ritually pure to partake in the korban Pesach. However, there was a group of people who were tameh (ritually impure) and couldn't participate. They went together to complain to Moshe and Aaron that it wasn't fair; after all, they were doing the mitzva of carrying the bones of Yosef ha Tzaddik and others out of Mitzrayim.
Eating korban Pesach is like "eating emuna" According to our sages of blessed memory It was a way to get close to Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Who would want to miss out on that?
After consulting Hashem on the matter, Moshe told the group that from then on, the 14 Iyar, (if one was ritually pure: ie, not coming into contact with the dead) they could again participate and eat the korban Pesach by following all the laws relevent to the original Pesach.

So- what did this say about these people?
If they would have been silent and complacent, they wouldn't have the chance to complete this great mitzva. They had was great power of desire, the koach of ratzon to be close to Hashem. Thier persistence not to be left out brought a tremendous tikkun: it helped to channel the ability to do complete teshuva into the world.

What does this mean for us today?

Hashem in his great rachmanos gave us the ability to have a second chance to do things right. Ratzon is the desire to get close to Hashem no matter what obstacles are in our path. This is what make a yehudi a yehudi.
The essence of a jew is to do the right thing, and these people of old were rewarded with this ratzon.

Pesach Sheini teaches us that no matter how we fail, no matter how far away we are from Hashem, there is still tikveh; hope that we get another chance to renew our relationship with Him. Hashem will always make more opportunities for us to do teshuva and rectify whatever it is we need to correct.
The Zohar HaKodesh says "kesef/kissufim": Kissufim is longing, kesef is money. The way people long for and dream of being rich, is how we should long for and dream of being close to Hashem, to be delivered from galus, and to bring moshiach.
May we all realize this and never give up hope!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Noam Shalit for Israel's 62nd Independence Day

Please watch this video of Noam Shalit.
To commemorate Yom Hazicharon 2010, he speaks about his son, Gilad, who has been missing for 1409.9 days thus far
Only 200 hits- he deserves our kavod for 4plus minutes

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


In commemoration of Yom Hazicharon and the celebration of Yom Hatzmaut we remember:
all those who died in the creation and protection of Eretz Yisroel, that we are His beloved nation, and that we are proud to say "ani yehudi"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Do you believe in miracles?

Although I travel back and forth to the US for work every few months, my heart is always in Eretz Yisroel. In Israel we live on emuna and miracles.Post yitziyas mitzrayim,  this is fresh in our minds.
The next few weeks are full of special days that remind us of just a few miracles the Jewish people experienced.

Yom HaShoah, (Holocaust Rememberance Day)- barely acknowledged in America was commemorated with ceremonies, all day videos, programs and presentations in Israel.
Yom Hatzmaut (Israel Independence Day)- celebrated by the "Zionists"- both religious and not religious. Yom Yerushalyim-the day we got our precious "city of gold" back under our control.

In this week's parsha, Tazria - Metzora, we learn about how a person who spoke loshon hara would exhibit this spiritual defect for all to see in the form of tzoras- leprosy. This was a miraculous way to instill the  belief in  Hashem's hasgacha pratis.
The parshiot are teaching us about signs min ha shamayim and how to respond to them.
Today we don't always receive expilcit signs to get us to  correct ourselves. But Hashem gives us signs. He performs miracles too- if we know to look for them.

Check out the video "Miracles in Gaza" on
Appropriate for these special days of remberence, miracles and emuna.

Miracles in Gaza