Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Do you believe in miracles?

Although I travel back and forth to the US for work every few months, my heart is always in Eretz Yisroel. In Israel we live on emuna and miracles.Post yitziyas mitzrayim,  this is fresh in our minds.
The next few weeks are full of special days that remind us of just a few miracles the Jewish people experienced.

Yom HaShoah, (Holocaust Rememberance Day)- barely acknowledged in America was commemorated with ceremonies, all day videos, programs and presentations in Israel.
Yom Hatzmaut (Israel Independence Day)- celebrated by the "Zionists"- both religious and not religious. Yom Yerushalyim-the day we got our precious "city of gold" back under our control.

In this week's parsha, Tazria - Metzora, we learn about how a person who spoke loshon hara would exhibit this spiritual defect for all to see in the form of tzoras- leprosy. This was a miraculous way to instill the  belief in  Hashem's hasgacha pratis.
The parshiot are teaching us about signs min ha shamayim and how to respond to them.
Today we don't always receive expilcit signs to get us to  correct ourselves. But Hashem gives us signs. He performs miracles too- if we know to look for them.

Check out the video "Miracles in Gaza" on http://www.aish.com/
Appropriate for these special days of remberence, miracles and emuna.


  1. Kol hakavod! Welcome to the J-Blogosphere. You will meet lovely people here, who will enjoy your particular take on life in Israel -- with emuna.

    Warm wishes for success and enjoyment in your newest project of spreading the light. :-)

  2. It's exactly what you are speaking of, that feeling of being closer to Hashem and the Jewish people in Israel, that so draws me in.

  3. These weeks teach us that the only place to live a full Jewish life is in eretz Yisrael and Hashem is giving signs to those still in the galut to make aliyah.

    Kol hakavod Yehudis and look forward to reading more from you.
